Day 13: Mooloolaba

Woken early a Tangalooma by the swell. 4am and we're rocking and rolling. Managed another couple of hours sleep but we decided to pull the plug and head to Mooloolaba.

After noticing some steam coming from the port engine exhaust yesterday, I read that it's most likely not enough raw water getting to the mixing elbow. This overheats and flashes some water to steam. I checked the raw water strainer and the impeller. Both seemed fine but I cleaned them out anyway. This actually seemed to work. Must make sure both strainers are very clean from now on.

The run was mostly a dash across Morton Bay through the shipping channels. Passed a few ships and a French navy vessel heading out. Got to Mooloolaba around 4pm.

My favorite pic of Sea Change. The clouds seem to be tracking her.

One of the cargo ships we passed.

Sea Change backgrounded by a cargo ship.

French navy.
The parking in the marina was a complete pigs breakfast. I was surprised by the current and spun out of the entry into the finger. By the time I got to the berth, half the marina was there waiting to help pull me in  - which I also made a mess of. Most inelegant. I need a LOT of practice.

Up side - met up with Bruce & Cheryl, new owners of Red October and they don't want to kill us! Had a really nice evening catching up and hearing about Red's new life.

Got an alternator guy coming in the morning.


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Service Rainman Watermaker

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